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Bespoken Books

Bespoken Accessible and Personalized Books

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Books Contribute to Wellbeing

Reading is good for us. Books are the gateway to adventures and understanding, helping us to strengthen our brain, build our vocabulary and to engage our imagination. Reading a book reduces stress by up to 68%, with research showing people who read for just six minutes report a slower heart rate and the easing of tension in their muscles (Lewis, 2009). In other words, books contribute to our overall sense of wellbeing and wellness. Having access to a bespoke and personalized book can bring these benefits to a wider audience.

Accessible Books Tailored to Needs

Here at Bespoken Books, we believe the impressive benefits of books and reading should be accessible to everyone, regardless of age, intellectual ability or reading ability. That’s why we create bespoke accessible and personalized books – tailored to an individual reader’s needs. Our books support people to express themselves in the format of a book – and to access information that supports their individual needs, goals, and ambitions in life.

Benefits of Bespoken Books

Our books offer a host of benefits – many of which are evidence based. Our books are designed to:

Bespoken Books tailor the topic of the book to the interests and requirements of the individual – making them truly person-centered. We’re glad to incorporate images, photos and illustrations that speak directly to the person who’ll hold the book in their own hands.

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Who are Bespoken Books Suitable For?

Bespoken Books are a fantastic resource to support the wellbeing of people, including individuals who might face barriers to reading or optimal wellbeing. For example, people who experience:

Book Content Options

There’s really no limit to the focus of your individualized Bespoken Book. Your book will be created to reflect the needs and interests of the intended reader. Rather than being a “one size fits all” resource, our books incorporate personal idioms and names of people and places that are meaningful to the individual – research has shown this to be effective in making information more accessible to individuals (Oldreive & Waight, 2013). The very act of creating your Bespoken Book can be a collaborative act in itself – as you make decisions with important people around you about what you want to include in your Bespoken Book, you may well benefit from working in partnership with others, helping them to understand more about you and your strengths. Equally, you can take full ownership of your Bespoken Book and decide for yourself what you want from your Bespoken Book.

Bespoken Books include the content to equip the intended reader with the practical knowledge, skills and tools needed to thrive. Our books take a strength-based approach, fostering a healthy sense of self-esteem in the intended reader. We aim to support you to feel good about your unique self and celebrate your individuality as you read your Bespoke Book.

Common themes to consider when commissioning your own book include:

Bespoken Books offer wellbeing themed books on a variety of topics designed to meet individuals’ physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. We are happy to chat through with you your own individual nee

Some of our common themes include:

Our Books Offer Evidence-Based Easy Read Support

Research shows that easy-read resources are more accessible to people with intellectual disabilities than the standard formats (Karreman et al., 2007). Bespoken books incorporate easy-read principles. Depending on your unique requirements, our books provide clear language, use of illustrations, color, and layout to augment the text, and personalized references to the people, places and interests that matter to the reader.

Your book will draw on best-practice for accessibility and – when relevant – use the Easy Read principles recommended by Mencap (2008) including:

Use of a clear typeface and clear, well-structured text with all the key points and information

Bullet points provided for examples and instructions.

Short sentences and breaking up text into manageable chunks.

Pictures placed on the left of text with words on the right to support reading in English from left to right.

Pictures of places that people recognize.

Color coding for different sections, with the same colors used in the index and contents page.

Consistent use of the same words to describe a particular message.

Books to Support Reasonable Adjustments:

Our books can also support organisations to adhere to disability legislation by meeting the needs of individuals. They can be part of a package of support providing reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people are able to access services and make informed choices (Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006).

Research that Supports the Benefits of Our Books

Bespoken Books draw upon the legacy of the Social Story approach. Social Story books have been used since 1990s to support Autistic individuals, with research showing them to be an effective intervention people with ASD (Aldabas, 2019 & Qi et al., 2018). Social Stories are narratives consisting of personalized text and illustrations. Our books draw upon this heritage, bringing the benefits of personalized books to a wider audience. We’re passionate about accessibility and want to bring the principles of personalized text and illustrations to anyone who can benefit from this approach.

Bespoken Books also draw on the tradition of the person-centered approach. Research shows that meeting the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of individuals is central to an evidence based person-centered approach (Giusti et al., 2020). Our books are truly person-centered: placing the individual reader’s interests, preferences and needs at the heart of the book, helping to set and facilitate a move towards meeting personal goals. Research also shows a person-centered approach can promote self-efficacy – sometimes referred to as self-esteem or self-belief (Nkhoma et al., 2022). In this way, our person-centered books can support individuals’ wellbeing, self-confidence, and sense of self.

“Keep Learning” is one of the evidence based “Ways to Wellbeing” (Aked, 2011). Bespoken Books are a fantastic way to learn more about yourself and the world – and more about your goals and aspirations. As you continue to learn, you’ll benefit from the associated wellbeing boost.

Examples of Bespoken Books

Each Bespoken Book is a unique and original creation – shared only with the intended reader of the book. The images below relate to samples of pages from Bespoken Books – which can then be tailored to your individual needs:

We’ve been proud to complete commissions from buyers looking for Bespoke Books with briefs that include:

If you have any questions about your own unique requirements for themes and content for a Bespoke Book, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you and to discuss how we can include your voice and ideas at the heart of your very own personalized Bespoke Book.